Chairman’s Message

The objective of FOSTIIMA is to provide, in a small but substantive way, a world class Business School ambience, a model where young people can leverage the best traditions of the strong Brand India image and the solid intellectual capital that exists within India (but which faces several self-imposed constraints) in order to help them get access to a robust management education which is particularly strong not just on the theoretical side, but which leverages the actual real-life experiences of successful managers from various sectors.

FOSTIIMA is the brainchild of IIM alumni motivated by their desire to give back to Indian society at large (from which they have derived so many benefits) as well as to create for a wider body of students the opportunity to partake of at least some parts of the IIM experience. We have had strong and growing interest from both recent and veteran IIM alumni to participate in teaching and placement. Lastly, the primary motivation of nearly all IIM alumni is to ensure that FOSTIIMA graduates get access to the intellectual and professional network which has a distinct IIM flavor to it.

Jaithirth (Jerry) Rao

Chairman, Governing Body

FOSTIIMA Business School