Two Year PGDM Course in Delhi Still the Best Option

Top PGDM College in Delhi NCR

If you take a look at the management courses available in IIMs and now also offered by private management institutions, there is some confusion. There is a one year full time course, a PGDM course and executive MBA course. The one year full time course is usually for those who are already top managers and have six to nine years’ experience. The executive MBA course is in reality a distance education management course for working professionals. So, for fresh graduates looking to get a management qualification, the PGDM course is the best option.

Look at the contents not the label

You decide on pursuing a PGDM course in Delhi and look for an institution. You are likely to be taken in by ads praising a particular institute in Delhi. You visit the place and you are likely to be impressed by the premises. You may choose a restaurant for its ambience but management studies is another matter.  The counselor is bound to convince you to part with your precious money. That is their job and they will be good at it. Wait a minute. Look at what they offer by way of curriculum and faculty. This will have bearing on what you learn, how you learn and your ultimate capability post the course. Placement is important, of course, but not the main consideration. If you have capabilities that recruiters want, you will land a job even without placement services.

What they teach

Take a look at the curriculum and what your takeaway is. The institute you are looking for should have a course and curriculum structure modeled after IIMs and updated to reflect contemporary needs of markets. That takes effort and also capability but the right institute offering PGDM course in Delhi that has value will have right people backing it.

Who teaches you?

This is just as important as the curriculum. IF your faculty in the chosen institute offering 2 years PGDM course in Delhi are IIMs with years of industry experience, you are in the right hands. If that institute happens to be operated by IIMa graduates then you need not look further.

Why look at all these aspects? Recruiters check candidates and they also check the institution. What this means is a better pay package and a change to get into challenging positions where you can shine as a leader. Then, when the time is right, say six years or so later, you can take leave from work and join the IIM one year program and then leap ahead in life.

You may not be able to get into the IIM course due to any reason but fine institutions offering PGDM courses in Delhi will eventually help you get to where you want to go.