Practical Tips for Cracking an Interview

Fostiima Placement

An interview is a process of assessing a candidate’s capabilities and suitability for a job. In most cases, it is an opportunity for the prospective employer to know more about the candidate and his capability to handle complex issues that he might face in his future role. An interview is also an opportunity for the candidate to know more about the company, its profile, and work environment before joining them as a full-time employee. It ensures the right fitment of both the parties concerned. Preparing well in advance also helps in building strong communication skills and confidence.

These are some practical tips on how to crack an interview:

Set up mock-interview sessions with your seniors or peers. One can easily spare some time for this after their classes are over. Prepare a list of common questions that are asked in most interviews. This will help you understand the pattern of the interview and also help to score well in all types of interviews. Read More

Research about the company and its product. This will help you build a rapport with your interviewer as well as understand their expectations from someone who is going to work for them. Always carry out a mock role-play of discussing a current news item related to the industry. It will help you develop strong communication skills which are highly required in an interview. One can also read up on social media networking sites to pick up some relevant topics. Read about commonly asked interview questions from various sources such as newspapers, online portals, friends, etc. Prepare answers that best suit the job profile and company profile. Read More

Dress is formally or smartly casual during campus placement interviews. You should not wear jeans or t-shirts inside because it might make a negative impression on the interviewer. Read More

Maintain good body language during an interview. It conveys a lot of information about your intention and attitude. Always maintain eye contact while speaking to your interviewer. Also, do not sit back in your chair with an arrogant posture, but try to be open to questions by leaning forward slightly without crossing arms or legs while sitting on a chair. This will help you appear more confident and receptive. Read More

Be truthful while responding to any question asked in the interview. Do not make up any false claims because if it is proved later on, then it would lead to negative implications for you. Be clear about the salary package being offered before accepting it.

Always thank your interviewer for their time and valuable feedback. It is a good idea to get in touch with them soon after the interview so that you can know how it went and whether there is any scope of improvement going forward.

It does not matter if you don’t make it to one or two campus interviews. Keep trying hard, because each day at work will bring new challenges in front of you which help in building your skills further. So stay calm, do a lot of practice, keep learning from every experience, and one day you will definitely crack it!