Private MBA Colleges in Delhi may be a better choice

The goal of every student who wishes to become an MBA is to get into any one of the IIMs. However, seats are limited and you have to do exceptionally well in the entrance exam. You could lose your chance just by fractions. Does that mean you should give up your dream of becoming a management professional? No. There are private  MBA colleges in delhi  offering MBA courses that are just as good, if not better.

Admissions are easy

Admissions in private MBA colleges are easier. However, this does not mean you can have a low score and still get into the best private MBA college in Delhi. The best will admit only exceptional students and then refine them into top managers. Were it not for private colleges many bright students would miss out on becoming management professionals and many companies would face a shortage of top management experts.

Private MBA colleges may have better curriculum

Government institutions are rigid and slow to adapt to changing trends in management studies. If you choose the right PGDM college in Delhi such as FOSTIIMA, you get the benefit of latest modified curriculum this in line with what is taught at Harvard and Stanford. What this means that you learn the latest right during college. Others have to upgrade themselves once they pass and they may not be able to tackle job situations competently enough. Private MBA colleges in Delhi with latest curriculum gives you a head-start and, in this respect, they may be better than older, established government institutions.

Faculty may be better

This is a mixed bag. Some private colleges employ fresh graduates because they will work for low wages. Quality of teaching becomes questionable. However, there are a few private colleges that have the best faculty drawn from IIMA graduates with years of industry experience. Besides you get the benefit of wisdom of visiting guest lecturers who are actually industry leaders.

Higher standards

Surprising as it may seem, private colleges may have higher standards and higher code of conduct. For instance, private colleges may insist that their students wear a particular uniform. There is a code of conduct and mode of addressing everyone that students learn right from the moment they join. There is better discipline. Students learn the values of ethical behavior.

Life is better

Student life is not just studies. Other activities contribute to making him a rounded personality. Government institutions may not offer what private MBA colleges in Delhi offer. They offer a richer life by way of many social programs, interactions with other students, tours abroad, work experience and other activities to enhance your personality and social skills.


The ultimate goal of MBA studies is to land a good job and private colleges may have a rigorous process of placement, selecting only the best companies so that their graduates have a better start in life. In addition, students receive coaching on preparing resumes and appearing for interviews.

Private hospitals, for example, are chosen by the discerning few because they get better quality. It is the same with private MBA colleges in Delhi NCR, provided you pick the right one.